At Tag, every decision is made in consideration of our people, our planet and our communities. Through our environmental and social commitments and rigorous governance processes, we strive to create a positive impact wherever we go.

  • Chloe Chong
  • Associate Director
  • Singapore
Chloe Chong


At Tag, we are committed to offering our client services whilst being environmentally conscious when building solutions. Our social responsibilities, ethical promises and protecting our planet shapes how we conduct business.



Tag is a global creative production powerhouse, fueled by the talent and expertise of our individuals. We encourage a place of work that cultivates the best ideas by ensuring everyone feels heard, respected and included without exception.


  • Chelsey Forstner
  • Director, Business Development
  • Toronto
Chelsey Forstner
  • Gayathri K.
  • Artworker
  • India
Gayathri K.


As a global business, Tag works closely with brands, suppliers and stakeholders to ensure we uphold strong governance throughout the business. We work to actively avoid conflicts and corruption, with robust checks in place to guarantee top quality service and outputs across the business. 


In 2023 Tag conducted an impact materiality mapping exercise to identify and prioritize issues that are critical to our business, our relevant stakeholders, our communities and the environment. The outcome of this exercise guides our sustainability efforts and enable us to effectively utilize our resources so we can contribute towards a future of sustainable lifestyles.


Tag’s materiality assessment is a systematic process that compiles diverse inside-out and outside-in perspectives from external stakeholders, trend analyses and internal engagement with relevant departments.

The assessment included desktop research and interviews with 75 internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include executive board members, market heads and business directors, while external stakeholders include suppliers and clients.

The results of our materiality assessment help us identify risks and opportunities and support our decision-making on where to focus our resources.

From a list of 17 material topics, the following four were identified by stakeholders as the most impactful:

– Climate Change & GHG Emissions
– Data Security & Customer Privacy
– Selling Practices & Product Labelling
– Supply Chain Management


The assessment results are plotted on a materiality matrix to show both the degree of stakeholder interest and potential business impact. Our materiality matrix shows the issues identified as impactful to our internal stakeholders on the horizontal y-axis while external stakeholders are mapped on the vertical x-axis. These topics guide our sustainability efforts as we integrate into dentsu Group.

Tag Materiality Matrix, 2023
Biodiversity  Minimizing negative impacts on the world’s plants and animals through our work with suppliers and clients. 
Climate change & GHG Emissions  Reducing our organizational carbon footprint and deforestation from Strategic Sourcing and material emissions from Creative Production. Collaborate with value chain partners to achieve net zero. 
Energy  Tag’s management of energy for provision of products and services derived from utility providers (grid energy) not owned or controlled by the company. 
Water & Effluents  Using water as efficiently as possible across our operational footprint. Ensuring suppliers effectively manage water consumption, wastewater generation, treatment and discharge. 
Waste Management  Addressing environmental issues associated with hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated by our operations. 
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion  Promoting the fair treatment and full participation of all people. Ensuring decisions incorporate a variety of opinions. Working to include historically under-represented minorities in our content. 
Labor Standards & Practices  Upholding and protecting human rights in our operations and supply chain including clients and suppliers. This includes gender equality, collective bargaining, modern slavery and forced labor. 
Selling Practices & Product Labelling  Addressing issues that arise from failure to manage transparency and accuracy of marketing statements and advertising claims. This includes advertising regulations, ethical messaging, and predatory selling practices. 
Training & Education  General and professional training programs and advancement opportunities for Tag employees. 
Local Communities  Management of socio-economic impacts where we operate. This includes engagement, cultivation of local workforces, ensured license to operate and be of service. 
Employee Health & Safety  Tag’s ability to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace that is free of injuries, fatalities and illness. Supporting both the mental and physical health of our workforce. 
Governance, Ethics & Compliance  Rights and interests of shareholder, investor relationship, operation and independency of the Board of Directors, code of conduct, anti-fraud/anti-laundering policy, etc. 
Anti-competitive Behavior Addressing issues associated with the existence of monopolies, excessive prices, poor service quality and operational inefficiencies. 
Risk Management & Mitigation Risk identification, analysis and management on different operational aspects, and identification of future opportunities. This includes financial systems, natural resource systems, and technological systems. 
Supply Chain Management  Tag’s ability to screen, select, monitor, and engage with suppliers on their environmental and social impacts to ensure environmental responsibility, protection of human rights, labor practices, and ethics and corruption. 
Product Design & Lifecyle Management  Managing the lifecycle impacts of products and services, such as those related to packaging, distribution, use-phase resource intensity, and other environmental and social externalities that may occur during their use-phase or at the end of life. 
Data Security & Customer Privacy  Tag’s method on guarding customer privacy and transaction security; and its compliance status on data protection regulations. 

Tag is now a dentsu company. Click here for more information on dentsu’s ESG strategy. Please note, dentsu’s latest ESG disclosures in Integrated Report 2023 exclude Tag as the report was published the same month as Tag’s acquisition in July 2023.